What’s Next for World Cities? - WRLDCTY
What’s Next for World Cities?
Chris Fair & Greg Clark
WRLDCTY 2023: New York

WRLDCTY wraps up with a look at the global forces and conditions that will shape what’s to come for cities around the world. Anchored in trends and data, this session serves as a guidebook to what cities need to be paying attention to – and preparing for – over the short, medium, and long term.

About The Speakers
Chris Fair
President & CEO, Resonance

A futurist, facilitator and strategist, Chris holds a Masters degree in Studies of the Future and has married his tourism, economic development, real estate and and marketing expertise with futures methodologies to help a wide variety of clients envision and create development strategies, plans and brands that shape the future of places around the world. As President of Resonance Consultancy, Chris leads a team that has completed more than 100 visioning, strategy, planning, and branding projects for developers and destinations in more than 30 destinations.

He has been featured in Fast Company magazine and is a frequent commentator on lifestyle and leisure trends for leading publications such as The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, The Globe & Mail, Los Angeles Times, The Economist and Worth magazine. In 2013, Chris was recognized as the “Place Branding Thought Leader of the Year” at the World Sense of Place Summit

Greg Clark
Author & Urbanist

Prof Greg Clark CBE FAcSS is Chair of the Connected Places Catapult, a Board member of Transport For London and the London LE, and a former Group Advisor at HSBC. He is a Civic Leader, writer, Non-Executive Director, and Board Chair, working with Investors, Businesses, Governments, and Cities to help navigate this compelling century, inspire new collaborations, and forge new futures.


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